Task photo spark

This is my blog and this is task photo spark and I made my own snow flake that is what my post is about. I folded a piece  of paper and cut shapes into the paper then I unraveled it and made my snowflake.

We seemed to be on the television

I was watching tv in the basement mom said “ your addicted to the tv” my friend came over and dared me to sit on my tv but we seemed to be on the tv. Like we are on tv my mom had a new show called what children do when there watch they sit on there tv she said “ caught you red handed and it was live so ha ha ha.” So we started to run around the room and hid in the closet and she some how found us. But we knew we couldn’t escape so we stoped running


I would like to eat everything that is on the 10 ft table. I would also want to travel around the world. I would also want to spend time on my game for a whole day. My last thing I would like to do is spend time with my bed sleeping. That is all I want to do for thanksgiving


The angry big foot

It all began on a riot a riot to kill big foot. The Thomas sons went big those children were stupid to go and try to kill Bigfoot. They traveled hard and knowingly that they would start to get hungry but they met a man not an ordinary man he looked like the maker the wizard that created Bigfoot. He touch the children’s cheeks “ this is punishment for trying to kill my creation” when he touch them it felt like razor blades going through the first layer of skin it was so painful. But then big foot came he thought the bike

whats behind that door 2

I panicked he said “ I know your in here”  “ so have fun and try to escape” I knew I had to find a way out but I saw a found a way out he blocked it with stack and stacks of bricks. There was a riddle on the gorilla statue of it was in yellow paint. It said “ what goes up and down but never move” wait I heard this riddle before it was the stairs I saw stairs in the distant I started running to it. But I saw a jewelry it was pretty I ran to the stairs.

Task #3

I will be comparing a book to what they did and what i would have done. I’m comparing this book called the girl who could fly. One thing i would do is when they got captured i would use daisy to kill them all then make them escape. Another thing is i would go by myself. Lastly i would fly out the window. That is what I would of did instead of the book.

I wonder what’s behind that door

It all began on a rainy afternoon where I was walking in the rain I found myself a shack. A weird shack I went in it was so cold but better than getting soaked all day long so I looked around. I found nothing so I was on my way to leaving i her a voice. Also I saw a door I didn’t want to get caught so I ran into it I heard a noise in that room. It said “ keep out I wondered what was behind the door. I went I heard the man  he locked the door…

Pipers escape

Myrtle will be the destraction because she is fast so now one could catch her so they will run after her. But kimber will turn on and off the light then myrtle will run really fast then they will run for her. Then viloiet will shrink through the cracks through the door to get the keys for the helicopter. Then smitty will use his X-ray vision to navigate through the dark to the out side. Piper is just a follower. Conrad tells them what to do. Then they would get the helicopter and daisy will fly the copter. So that is the escape plan.