Chinese New Year


The festival date changes every year.

This is because it follows the lunar calendar, based on the movement of the moon. Usually, it falls on a day between mid-January and mid-February. In 2019, chinese New Year on February 5.
See more about chinese New Year


Franklin grew up in a wealthy and influential New York family. He was tutored at home and traveled the world with his family during his childhood. He graduated from Harvard in 1904 and married his distant cousin Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. He then went to Columbia Law School and began to practice law.

My third birthday

It all began on a sunny and shining day. It began when I had cake all day and milk. It was a 4 layer cake so I shoved 2 layers in my mouth. And I let my brother ave the other 2. So that was the greatest and funnest day ever.

My New Years goals

My goals are…



my goal goal is to be the last man standing in solo.

Another goal is I wish I make it in a sport this year.

Another goal is I wish that have more time to plat fortnite.


Last goal is I really hope I have a better birthday than last year

That is all my goals for the NEW YEAR and 2019