The angry big foot

It all began on a riot a riot to kill big foot. The Thomas sons went big those children were stupid to go and try to kill Bigfoot. They traveled hard and knowingly that they would start to get hungry but they met a man not an ordinary man he looked like the maker the wizard that created Bigfoot. He touch the children’s cheeks “ this is punishment for trying to kill my creation” when he touch them it felt like razor blades going through the first layer of skin it was so painful. But then big foot came he thought the bike

2 thoughts on “The angry big foot

  1. Legend,
    What an unexpected tale! Great job. I wasn’t expecting the wizard to harm the children. I also didn’t know who the hero or villain was, your story has the two sides going back and forth in my head!
    Keep exercising your writing muscle.
    Ms. McBride #team100wc Los Angeles, California

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